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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Frequency of the most frequent element

Leetcode 1838 problem.

The frequency of an element is the number of times it occurs in an array.

Objective is to find the maximum possible frequency of an element after performing at most k operations of incrementation (+1).


  • Time complexity: O(nk)O(n*k) - n is a length of an array, k is a constant parameter
  • Auxiliary space: O(1)O(1) - constant amount of space
func maxFrequency(nums []int, k int) int {
    maxFreq := 1
    incrementsUsed := 0

    leftElement, rightElement, sampleLengh := 0, 1, len(nums)

    for rightElement < sampleLengh {
        incrementsUsed += (nums[rightElement] - nums[rightElement-1]) * (rightElement - leftElement)

        for incrementsUsed > k {
            incrementsUsed -= nums[rightElement-1] - nums[leftElement]

        maxFreq = max(maxFreq, rightElement-leftElement)
    return maxFreq

func max(x, y int) int {
    if x > y {
        return x
    return y

// func main() {
// 	sampleArray := []int{9930, 9923, 9983, 9997, 9934, 9952, 9945, 9914, 9985, 9982, 9970, 9932, 9985, 9902, 9975, 9990, 9922, 9990, 9994, 9937, 9996, 9964, 9943, 9963, 9911, 9925, 9935, 9945, 9933, 9916, 9930, 9938, 10000, 9916, 9911, 9959, 9957, 9907, 9913, 9916, 9993, 9930, 9975, 9924, 9988, 9923, 9910, 9925, 9977, 9981, 9927, 9930, 9927, 9925, 9923, 9904, 9928, 9928, 9986, 9903, 9985, 9954, 9938, 9911, 9952, 9974, 9926, 9920, 9972, 9983, 9973, 9917, 9995, 9973, 9977, 9947, 9936, 9975, 9954, 9932, 9964, 9972, 9935, 9946, 9966}
// 	sampleInt := 3056

// 	maxFreq := maxFrequency(sampleArray, sampleInt)
// 	fmt.Println(maxFreq)
// }
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