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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Longest common prefix

Leetcode 14 problem.

A function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.


  • Time complexity: O(nl)O(n * l) - n is a length of a strings array and l is a largest length of a word
  • Auxiliary space: O(n)O(n) - n is a number of all characters in all strings
func longestCommonPrefix(strs []string) string {
    var isMaxCommonPrefix bool = false;

    var commonPrefix string = "";

    firstWord := strs[0];

    for charIdx := 0; isMaxCommonPrefix == false; charIdx++ {
        // maxCommonPrefix is found
        if (isMaxCommonPrefix) {

        for wordIdx := 0; wordIdx < len(strs); wordIdx++ {
            // next word does not have next character
            if (charIdx == len(strs[wordIdx])) {
                isMaxCommonPrefix = true;

            // prefix does not match with next word
            if (firstWord[charIdx] != strs[wordIdx][charIdx]) {
                isMaxCommonPrefix = true;

        // no exceptions thrown
        if (isMaxCommonPrefix == false) {
            commonPrefix += string(firstWord[charIdx]);

    return commonPrefix;
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