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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Minimum window substring

Leetcode 76 problem.


Two pointers

  • Time complexity: O(s+t)O(s + t) - s is a length of first string parameter, t is a length of second
  • Auxiliary space: O(s+t)O(s + t) - s is a length of first string parameter, t is a length of second
func minWindow(s string, t string) string {
    lengthS := len(s)
    lengthT := len(t)

    if lengthT > lengthS || lengthS == 0 || lengthT == 0 {
        return ""
    // key is rune, value is frequency of this rune (letter)
    runeFrequencyT := map[byte]int{}

    for i := 0; i < lengthT; i++ {

    // key is rune, value is frequency of this rune (letter)
    runeFrequencyWindow := map[byte]int{}

    currentlyRecordedRunes := 0
    requiredRunes := len(runeFrequencyT)

    windowCoordinates := [3]int{-1, 0, 0}

    // two pointers
    start, end := 0, 0

    for end < lengthS {
        currentRune := s[end]

        // if the frequecny in T matches the frequency in window, add to recorded runes
        if frequency, ok := runeFrequencyT[currentRune]; ok && frequency == runeFrequencyWindow[currentRune] {

        // until end > start and not all runes has been recoreded
        for start <= end && currentlyRecordedRunes == requiredRunes {
            if windowCoordinates[0] == -1 || windowCoordinates[0] > end - start + 1 {
                windowCoordinates[0] = end - start + 1
                windowCoordinates[1] = start
                windowCoordinates[2] = end

            // reduce current rune frequency in window

            // if frequency in window < frequency in T, reduce recorded runes
            if frequency, ok := runeFrequencyT[s[start]]; ok && frequency > runeFrequencyWindow[s[start]] {

    if windowCoordinates[0] == -1 {
        return ""
    } else {
        return s[windowCoordinates[1]:windowCoordinates[2] + 1]
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